Adjunct Fellow, ARC Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage, James Cook University, Australia, 2022-2024 Contact Info N/A Lab office: Cairns Laboratory Lab phone: N/A Dr Katherine Woo is a zooarchaeologist who holds a BA (Hons 1) from the University of Queensland, and a PhD from the University of Sydney. She was a postdoctoral research fellow in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage, at James Cook University from 2021-2023. Her research utilises a range of ecological, biological, and archaeological data to examine economic practices, human-environmental interactions, landscape use, small-scale environmental reconstructions, and taphonomic issues in terrestrial and submerged settings. Katherine has been involved in field- and/or lab-based projects from across the globe including northern and eastern Australia, Eastern Jutland in Denmark, the Gulf of Mexico, Papua New Guinea, and the Pacific. Her current research activities are focussed on examining the molluscan assemblages from Caution Bay, Papua New Guinea, and establishing the taphonomic factors impacting submerged midden sites.